Posted by: mrborden | March 10, 2013

Week 25 Volcano Legend Papers and Rock Cycle

March 16 2013
QFD: Respect for me is shown by how you behave with the sub
?FD: Have you thought about your project and what you plan to draw, build, write about or sing about?
Objective: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of California Earth Science standards 3 by completing a project based on their knowledge and pass an exam
1) watch video and be quiet during the film : Ring of Fire:
2) write 1 page or 300 words describing earthquake zones, volcanic eruption types and platetectonics

March 14 2013
QFD:There is no failure except in no longer trying. Elbert Hubbard
?FD: Why aren’t you prepared for quizzes? Why are most students lazy?
Objective: ESS 3c. Students know how to explain the properties of rocks based on the physical and chemical conditions in which they formed, including plate tectonic processes.
1) Projects
Project – Prove you understand the California Earth Science Standards by writing and building a visual representation: Write 250 words on a standard and build a project. Due after spring break. 300 points You must include the Standard from 3 to www. and click the California Earth Science Standards link located at the top middle of the page. Scroll down to Earth Science which is the last subject and look for standard 3 if you did not copy the standards on Thursday or Friday from the board.

March 13 2013
QFD: I had to put my dog down , so today I will probably frown. Please be nice, and don’t aggravate me twice. I have lost my last nerve, and will take away your swerve. Mr B
?FD: What type of igneous rocks form below the surface?
Objective: ESS 3c. Students know how to explain the properties of rocks based on the physical and chemical conditions in which they formed, including plate tectonic processes.

1) Quiz
2) finish picture and volcano legend paper which can be emailed to me at


1 Rocks at the earth’s surface are continually broken down, compacted, and cemented together. What is the name of the resultant type of rock?

A igneous 
B metamorphic 
C lava 
D sedimentary
2 Metamorphic rock is made by which one of the following dynamic processes?

A compaction and cementing of sediments

B subjection of rocks to heat and pressure

C cooling of magma

D exposure of rocks to wind and rain

3 A rock is observed to have fossil impressions of plants preserved in it. This rock is most likely a(n) __________ rock.

A extrusive igneous 
B intrusive igneous 
C metamorphic 
D sedimentary

4 A rock is observed to be very dense with alternating, parallel bands of light and dark crystals. This rock is most likely a __________ rock.

A extrusive igneous 
B intrusive igneous 
C metamorphic 
D sedimentary

5 Basalt is an igneous rock with very small crystals. It most likely forms as a result of __________.

A cementing of sediments underground 
B cooling of magma underground

C compression of rock in mountain building 
D cooling of lava above ground

6 Quartzite is a metamorphic rock with very small crystals. It most likely forms as a result of

A cementing of sediments underground. 
B cooling of magma underground.

C compression of rock in mountain building. 
D cooling of lava above ground.

7 Slate is a metamorphic rock that forms from which sedimentary rock?

A shale 
B limestone 
C clay 
D pumice

8 Which type of rock might easily be broken down into smaller sediments?

A obsidian 
B limestone 
C pumice 
D granite

9 Which of the following are the three major types of rocks?

A metamorphic, intrusive, extrusive

B sedimentary, metamorphic, granite

C igneous, metamorphic, pumice

D igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary

10 Which type of rock occurs when magma cools and hardens beneath the surface?

A metamorphic 
B sedimentary 
C igneous 
D limestone

11 Igneous rocks can be found beneath Earth’s surface and on top of Earth’s surface. Which of the following are the two types of igneous rocks?

A intrusive and extrusive 
B cementation and compaction

C erosion and compaction 
D clastic and chemical

12 In which area is basalt rock most commonly formed?

A deep ocean trenches

B at the edges of a transform boundary

C underground where magma cools rapidly

D in areas of sea–floor spreading

13 Igneous rocks usually __________.

A can be scratched with a penny

B are composed of silicate materials

C contain primarily evaporates

D normally contain fossils

14 __________ is the process of sediments being pressured together into a rock.

A cementation 
B deposition 
C weathering 
D compaction

15 Granite is an igneous rock with large crystals. It most likely forms by

A the cementing of sediments underground. 
B the cooling of magma underground.

C the compression of rock in mountain building. 
D the cooling of lava above ground.

16 The Mercalli scale, the Richter scale, and the European Macroseismic scale are ALL used to measure __________ of earthquakes.

A only the magnitude 
B either the magnitude or the intensity

C only the intensity 
D both the magnitude and the intensity

17 What is the minimum number of seismographs needed in order to find the exact location of an earthquake’s epicenter?

A 1 
B 2 
C 3 
D None

18 What type of instrument is used to record earthquakes?

A seismograph 
B magnitude graph

C surface wave graph 
D intensity graph

19 The epicenter of an earthquake is located __________.

A at the same depth of the focus 
B directly under the focus

C directly above the focus 
D beneath the earth’s crust

20 What scale is used for measuring the magnitude of small, shallow earthquakes by measuring the amplitude of the largest seismic wave?

A seismograph

B the Mercalli scale

C the European macroseismic scale

D the Richter scale

March 12 2013
QFD: Half of the failures in life come from pulling one’s horse when he is leaping. Thomas Hood
?FD: What type of rock is made from heat and pressure? Molten material?
Objective: ESS 3c. Students know how to explain the properties of rocks based on the physical and chemical conditions in which they formed, including plate tectonic processes.
1) Poll questions then finish notes
2) Draw rock cycle picture
3) finish volcano legend or as HW

Poll Everywhere
Poll Everywhere
March 11 2013
QFD: Self-preservation is the first law of nature. Samuel Butler
?FD: Name the 3 major types of volcanoes, their eruption types, the color of their lava and the amount of silica
Objective: ESS 3c. Students know how to explain the properties of rocks based on the physical and chemical conditions in which they formed, including plate tectonic processes.
1) volcano legend papers ( read and correct another persons)
2) Rock cycle notes
Rocks – geologists classify rocks according to their color, texture, and their mineral composition
Texture – the size, shape, and pattern of the rocks grain
Grain – the particles or minerals in a rock which give a rock its texture. coarse grain are large particles that are easy to see while fine grain can only be seen with a microsope. some have patterns (wavy , swirling, multicolored) and some have no grain at all (obsidian)
Mineral composition – geologists use slivers of rocks to determine the minerals that make up rocks
Igneous Rocks – are classified by where the magma cools. Extrusive Igneous rocks aare formed from lava and Basalt (ocean floor) is the most common. Intrusive Igneous rocks form under the surface of earth from magma (Granite) which makes up most mountains
Porphyritic Texture – small crystals in igneous rocks
Igneous rock usage – tools (arrow heads, hammers, building materials, statues, pumice is used for cleaning and polishing.
Sedimentary Rocks – formed from sediment (rock particles) by erosion (water), deposition (under ground), compaction (pressure)and cementation (glue).
Clastic sedimentary rocks – shale , sandtone and conglomerate ( dirt clods) formed when rockes are squeezed together
Organic sedimentary Rocks – coal, limestone, coral, amber – formed from the remains of living things
Chemical Sedimentary rocks – Gypsum and calcite – formed from evaporaite materials that dissolve and crystallize.
Sedimentary rock uses – white house is built of sandstone and limestone is used in smelting iron and ore
Metamorphic rocks – formed from heat and pressure by forces within Earth. (volcanoes and rocks buried deep below the surface.
Foliated and Non foliated metamorphic rocks – “Foliated”parallel layers or bands (shake, mica or hornblende) non foliated metamorphic rocks are gemstones and crystals that do not have layers or bands
Metamorphic rock uses – building materials because they can be cut into slabs(Taj Mahal) roofing, chalkboads



  1. What did i learn in the video “bill nye the science guy, rocks rock harder” ? Well
    Its explaining how many different rocks can be formed , they are formed by pressure, heat, and water. One of the common rocks are igneous, sedimentary, & metamorphic. Igneous is formed under the ground and made up of other rocks. Metamorphic rocks start off as dust and as the water makes them dry up it becomes a rock. & finally igneous is melted lava dried up and formed into a solid.
    – Julio A Period 5

  2. And reply back soo i know you read this! -julio again

    • ok Julio I have read this lol

      • mr borden im really stuck on a assignment and i need a lot of help! julio

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